Player Information First Name* Last Name* Unique E-mail/Username* Password* Confirm Password*Gender*MaleFemalePhone Number* Emergency Contact Name* Emergency Contact Phone* Emergency Contact Relation* Birth Date* Address*City* Province* Postal Code* Select Team*PA PanthersSaskatoon GladiatorsSaskatoon RaptorRising StarsKnight RidersSaskatoon BullsSaskatoon HuskiesSpartan CricketSaskatoon KingsSaskatoon WarriorsSaskatoon SultaanSaskatoon RenegadesStars Sports and Social ClubSaskatoon tigerBatting Style*Right Hand BatLeft Hand BatPlaying Role*Top order BatsmanMiddle-order BatsmanAll RounderFast BowlerMedium Pace Bowleroff BreakLeg BreakWicket-keeper BatsmanBowling Style*Right arm FastRight arm Medium PaceRight arm off BreakRight arm Leg BreakLeft arm FastLeft arm Medium PaceLeft arm off BreakLeft arm Leg BreakNoneProfile Description*Profile Picture*Upload Profile PictureUploadParticipating On*T20ODPPlayer Declaration*I am willing to play cricket in Saskatchewan under all the applicable rules and regulations set by the International Cricket Council and instituted by the Saskatoon Cricket Association. Further, I agree to uphold the spirit of the game and accept that any breach of the rules, regulations or sportsmanship during the season could result in disciplinary action and banned from playing cricket under the Saskatoon Cricket Association. Only fill in if you are not human